- i am using json to to receive data from the webservice, creating text to json object is resource hungry operation.
- i have to load images from web, i am lazy loadig images in async process how can i compress and make the cache ??
- after crash how can i stop re-launching activity ?
- how can i know how much memory remaining and andoird OS will kill my object.
You can cache your images using a pool of SoftReferences (http://developer.android.com/intl/de/reference/java/lang/ref/SoftReference.html). This will allow the OS to clean them up if it's running out of memory while still allowing you to access them. This should help with #2 and #4, but I am not sure what you mean by #3.
2009-12-23 18:55:27
for point 3, when application crash "force close" button appears if you close the application android os re-launch the activity.
Faisal khan
2009-12-23 19:09:29
Is that bad? I mean does your app force close right away, so there is no way to get out of it?
2009-12-23 20:47:11