I will be tackling a Java (GWT) project soon (related question). Maybe I am trying to stretch things here but I was wondering if there is any "pattern matching framework" (don't really know if there is a term for this) written in Java? (maybe it is my prolonged exposure to Erlang that twists my thoughts around patterns all the time :-)
I will be using a "message passing" architecture to communicate between my Java components and I'd like to efficiently "match" messages to actions.
Maybe I should just stick with localized state-machines or is there anything else?
Updated: a "message" will be an instance-object carrying "data only". I am not currently planning on using inheritance for conveying semantics to the said messages but rather simple properties.
Update2: after taping the collective wisdom of SO (see here), it seems that Scala is out-of-scope also.
(NOTE: Java novice here... please be gentle)