




This is related to my previous question, but a different one.

I have the following fabfile:

from fabric.api import *

host1 = ''
offline_host2 = ''
host3 = ''

env.hosts = [host1, offline_host2, host3]
env.warn_only = True

def df_h():
    with settings(warn_only=True):
        run("df -h | grep sda3")

And the output is:

[] run: df -h | grep sda3

Fatal error: Low level socket error connecting to host No route to host


After the execution hits the offline server, it aborts immediately, regardless of the other servers in the env.hosts list.

I have used the env setting "warn_only=True", but maybe I'm using it improperly.

How can I modify this behavior so that it will only prints the error and continue executing?


You're not using it improperly. You can even just provide --warn-only=true on the command line. It's the documented method suggested by the development team.

Travis Bradshaw
The parameter should be "--warn-only". However, run "fab --warn-only df_h" outputs the same error message. Looks like connection failure is not covered by the "warn_only" setting.
Wang Dingwei
+1  A: 

According to the Fabric documentation on warn_only,

env.warn_only "specifies whether or not to warn, instead of abort, when run/sudo/local encounter error conditions.

This will not help in the case of a server being down, since the failure occurs during the SSH attempt before executing run/sudo/local.

One solution would be to create a function to check if each server is up prior to executing your tasks. Below is the code that I used.

from __future__ import print_function
from fabric.api import run, sudo, local, env
import paramiko
import socket

host1 = ''
offline_host2 = ''
host3 = ''

env.hosts = [host1, offline_host2, host3]

def df_h():
    if _is_host_up(env.host, int(env.port)) is True:
        run("df -h | grep sda1")

def _is_host_up(host, port):
    # Set the timeout
    original_timeout = socket.getdefaulttimeout()
    new_timeout = 3
    host_status = False
        transport = paramiko.Transport((host, port))
        host_status = True
        print('***Warning*** Host {host} on port {port} is down.'.format(
            host=host, port=port)
    return host_status
Matthew Rankin
I've used a similar way to do this, but much naive -- I wrapped ping command with subprocess module -_-" I should definitely look more into the modules you've used. Thanks, man.
Wang Dingwei