Importing the standard "logging" module pollutes sys.modules with a bunch of dummy entries:
Python 2.5.4 (r254:67916, Dec 23 2008, 15:10:54) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
>>> import sys
>>> import logging
>>> sorted(x for x in sys.modules.keys() if 'log' in x)
['logging', 'logging.atexit', 'logging.cStringIO', 'logging.codecs',
'logging.os', 'logging.string', 'logging.sys', 'logging.thread',
'logging.threading', 'logging.time', 'logging.traceback', 'logging.types']
# and perhaps even more surprising:
>>> import traceback
>>> traceback is sys.modules['logging.traceback']
>>> sys.modules['logging.traceback'] is None
So importing this package puts extra names into sys.modules, except that they are not modules, just references to None. Other modules (e.g. xml.dom and encodings) have this issue as well. Why?
Edit:* Building on bobince's answer, there are pages describing the origin (see section "Dummy Entries in sys.modules") and future of the feature.