how can I configure Ruby web client to request web pages using Tor ?
I think it's like specifying proxy server for your HTTP connection. I don't know how it works in Ruby. But it will not be different from configuring browsers. Just set proxy server setting to
Ivan Nevostruev
2009-12-24 17:45:49
You just need to work with the Proxy class. As Ivan says above, get Tor running then point Net::HTTP.Proxy at the correct localhost address and you're golden.
Chuck Vose
2009-12-24 17:56:27
I had to use this Gem then I was able to do something like this
TCPSocket::socks_server = ""
TCPSocket::socks_port = 9050
reply = Net::HTTP.get URI.parse("")
Obviously with the Tor proxy running.
Karl Entwistle
2010-06-11 01:47:56