Question 1: As per the book I follow to learn EJB author told that every lookup creates a new stateful session bean. So, what I did is defined a method init() with @PostConstruct annotation with a sysout statement. So, that need to be executed for every Stateful bean instantiated. But the same is not happening. Consider the following code
In Bean
public class PersonnelModelBean implements PersonnelModelRemote{
void init(){
System.out.println("STATEFUL BEAN transforming to Mathod Ready state");
On Client side
try {
InitialContext context = InitialContextBuilder.getJBOSSInitialContext();
PersonnelModelRemote personnelModel = (PersonnelModelRemote)context.lookup("PersonnelModel/remote");
personnelModel.setPersonKey(new Integer(1));
PersonData person = personnelModel.getPerson();
personnelModel = (PersonnelModelRemote)context.lookup("PersonnelModel/remote");
personnelModel.setPersonKey(new Integer(2));
person = personnelModel.getPerson();
} catch (NamingException e) {
Question 2: In the same way author told that on calling @Remove annotated method would remove client associated bean from container. So, the container has to call destroy()(which is annotated with @PreDestroy) method on deleting bean. But that is not happening. Consider the following code
public class PersonnelModelBean implements PersonnelModelRemote{
public PersonData getPerson() {
PersonData personData = new PersonData();
return personData;
void destroy(){
System.out.println("STATEFUL BEAN transforming to Does not exist state");
Question 3: I have set to 60 sec in standardjboss.xml of server/default/conf dir of JBOSS. I have waited for 15 min and on executing the client code it should call @PostConstruct annotated method as told in the book. But that was also not happening.