



Ok here's a simple Console Application I made to test the RedirectStandardOutput of the Process.StartInfo.

    foreach (c In [Enum].GetValues(GetType(ConsoleColor))
        Console.ForegroundColor = c

And below is the application result.

Result of the Console Application.

So as we can see the colors show beautifully on the console.

However, when I read the StandardOutput.BaseStream there's no color information, no ANSI codes, no nothing.

How do I capture the color information on the redirected stream?


The short answer is that the streams as given to you by the .NET Console class are purely character-based and return only textual data.

To get the extended color info, it would be necessary to P/Invoke the Win32 API ReadConsoleOutput. This will return, among other things, an array of COLOR_INFO structs containing the color attributes for each character. You might want to look at the ReadConsoleOutput page to get started.

Unfortunately that's not what I'm looking for, because the ReadConsoleOutput reads the console screen as a whole, while what I want is to be able to read the color information as the console process is writing data to the stdout (and obviously stderr).
Paulo Santos