
Monitor process standard output that does not necessarily use CR/LF

My application periodically starts console programs with process.start. I need to monitor the output of the programs in "realtime". For example, the program writes the following text to the console: Processing................. Every second or so a new dot appears to let the user know the program is still processing. However,... until ...

C# ProcessInfo and RedirectStandardOutput

I have an app which calls another process in a command window and that process has updating stats that output to the console window. I thought this was a fairly simple operation but I can't seem to get it to work. Am I missing something? string assemblyLocation = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; System.Diagnostics.Process proce...

Process.Start fails when attempting to redirect the output

I've been working on automating our build processes and wanted to come up with a painless way to run unit tests on a regular basis. To that end I've thrown together a simple app that examines the project files and prepares a list of solutions to test. The prototype works in that the tests are executed with the expected results, but as ...

Sending input/getting output from a console application (C#/WinForms)

I have a form with 3 controls: A textbox for the user to enter commands to send to a console application, A button to confirm the commands to be sent and A read-only textbox to display the output from the application. What I want is for the user to enter commands in the first textbox, press the button to enter and receive feedback vi...

Why the RedirectStandardOutput does not have the necessary ANSI codes?

Ok here's a simple Console Application I made to test the RedirectStandardOutput of the Process.StartInfo. foreach (c In [Enum].GetValues(GetType(ConsoleColor)) { Console.ForegroundColor = c Console.WriteLine("Test") } And below is the application result. So as we can see the colors show beautifully on t...

check output in MSTest unit test

I want to capture output sent to standard out and standard error within an MSTest unit test so that I can verify it. I've captured output before when explicitly running a Process, but is there a way to do with [I guess] the MSTest process itself? For example: [TestMethod] public void OutputTest() { MySnazzyMethod("input", 1, 'c');...

Problem with StandardOutput stream in async mode.

Hi everyone. I have a program that launches command line processes in async mode, using BeginOutputReadLine. My problem is that the .Exited event is triggered when there is still some .OutputDataReceived events being triggered. What I do in my .Exited event must happen only once all my .OutputDataReceived events are done, or I'll be mis...

Capture and display console output at the same time

Hi, MSDN states that it is possible in .NET to capture the output of a process and display it in the console window at the same time. Normally when you set StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; the console window stays blank. As the MSDN site doesn't provide a sample for this I was wondering if anyone would have a sample or could po...

Read StandardOutput Process from BackgroundWorkerProcess method

Hi all, I'm working with a BackgroundWorker Process from Windows .NET C# application. From the async method I call many instance of cmd.exe Process (foreach), and read from StandardOutput, but at the 3-times cycle the ReadToEnd() method throw Timeout Exception. Here the code: StreamWriter sw = null; DataTable dt2 = null; StringBu...

I want both .RedirectStandardOutput = true/false

//by this code i want the batch file which is going to be executed will show the output on shell screen which i got by RedirectStandardOutput = false; but i also want at that same time output should be redirected to a log file for this i have to do this as RedirectStandardOutput = true; but once one can be used either true or false pl...

Monitor process output without stealing it from the shell

I have a shell program that sends output to standard out and standard error. I am trying to write a program in which inspects the output in real time and presents summarized information in a GUI. I also want the shell program to continue to display its output in a command prompt as usual. I don't want to just shove the output in a...

RedirectStandardOutput and the pause command in batch files

In my C# code, I have to run some external processes. These could be batch files or executables. I redirect the output to a window of my own by having RedirectStandardOutput of the ProcessStartInfo be true. This allows the user to review the output even after the external process has finished. I also redirect the input so the user can pr...