The idea is we have a website for free downloads
but there will be daily limit of daily downloads for each user (say 5 dl per day per user) so there will be users with multiple accounts.
- IP detection is not good; cause I have many users from one ip (users from one organization)
- email verification and unique email account is not good; u can create more than one account
- sms confirmation is not good; users can use his/her friend cell phone number to register another account
I saw a website that solved this issue (partially)
They detect users by computer name or MAC address or something else I am not sure, I registered 3 users there, they detected me, said :"these three users are using same computer" !! and banned all three accounts.
When I reinstalled another windows the problem solved, I have one user there.
So I asked myself, "how they did this"?
Is there any suggestion as to how I can handle this issue?