I am looking for some sort of dynamic testing tool. Let me explain what I mean. I have a modular application and part of my business strategy is to license each module independently. I would like to test things such as the fact that one module's tests all still pass even when the other module is not present on the file system.
Another thing I would like to be able to verify during my test suite, is that un-related settings should not change behavior they are not supposed to be coupled to.
To write an ad-hoc script for each test case and inject the defect would be trivial, but sounds like a violation of DRY. Is there any tools designed for this kind of defect injection, specifically in PHP?
So in an ideal world I would like to be able to write a set of "environment modifying" scripts, each of which will alter the environment in some way. For each "environment modification" phpunit should run all my tests. I should be able to view in some kind of report which tests failed under which "environment extremes"
So with N "environment modifications" and M tests, The sum of passes & failures should equal N times M, similar to how GUI test tools such as selenium run the suite on each different environment (browser)