




I hear people comment on Java's verbosity (and other languages) as if it were a bad thing, why? To me it makes code easier to understand. Less typing seems like a really trivial argument.

+1  A: 

Because it makes you have to write more code to do the same thing. Both programmer productivity and the number of bugs in your code tend to be a factor of the lines of code that you have.


If you like Java for its verbosity, then you'll love COBOL. [Added clarification] COBOL was the punch line of many 1970s jokes about poor language design. It was allegedly designed so executives could understand programs. However, easy to understand isn't the same as easy to write nor did it engender much love of the language by programmers, rather like how easy to learn UIs don't mean easy to use.

Verbosity can cut both ways. Languages like APL are so terse that they are largely write-only languages: Programmers easily and quickly write APL programs, but are unable to read or understand them soon afterward.

you are not answering the question...
I thought it was self-evident. But I'll edit and elaborate.
COBOL is very close to assembly language, actually. It's not really easy to understand at all.
Chad Okere

Good for people who gets paid by number of lines of code.

Why downvote when it is so true.
+3  A: 

Actually, Java has about the right amount of verbosity, compared to languages such as C and Perl (on one end of the spectrum) and COBOL (on the other end).

What I personally find annoying is the overuse of punctuation tokens in place of words. While it's fine to use { and } in place of begin and end, using && and || in place of and and or is just syntactic overkill.

Ultimately, it's not a question of how many words or symbols you use to encode a programmatic construct, but rather the amount of mental effort required by others (as well as you) who read/maintain your code to understand it. Abbreviations can help, whereas arcane symbols can hinder comprehension.

c-like languages implement two kinds of `and` and `or`, so why use symbols for one and words for the other, and which one should get the words?
I'd say languages like Python and Ruby are farther down the spectrum than C and Perl.
Kaleb Brasee
Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen
@dmckee: There are two kinds of `and` and `or` operators, bit-wise and logical. The second kind reflect what we humans normally use the words `and` and `or` for, so it makes sense to use keywords for them. Likewise, it makes sense to use punctuation for the first kind, since they are more like mathematical operators. Ada actually uses `and then` and `or else` syntax to make the meaning extra clear.
+7  A: 

Less typing is one thing. Less reading is another. Remember that code is read more often than it is written.

+25  A: 

It depends on what kind of verbosity. There are two kinds. Low-level syntax-level verbosity (ex. using extends instead of : to denote inheritance or using descriptive variable and class names) doesn't have much negative connotation, at least IMHO. In this case verbosity can often increase clarity.

There are two kinds of verbosity that are annoying. One is when syntax is too low-level and forces the programmer to specify intent for a common operation in a very indirect way. An example of this is being forced to type out the full iterator syntax instead of using a foreach loop. By allowing intent to be specified more directly, providing syntactic sugar for common operations can both decrease verbosity and increase clarity.

The second kind of verbosity that is really annoying is semantic-level verbosity, the kind that is required to get around language features that don't exist in restricted languages like Java, or to tell the compiler stuff it already knows. For example, making lots of tiny classes and interfaces to make up for the lack of higher order functions is verbose, less clear than higher order functions, and just plain annoying. Similar things can be said for the lack of type inference, closures, etc.

What it really boils down to is that verbosity is good when it clarifies the programmer's intentions, but bad when it just adds noise to a construct that has nothing to do with the programmer's intentions. I believe that Java has plenty of the latter kind of verbosity.

Ahhh, this clears things up a bit. Before I only thought about syntax-level verbosity. I have more thinking to do :P
Why does everyone always bring up for each loops when discussing this topic ? If you know how to use your IDE the long or short forms are the same number of keystrokes. Functions etc are another thing.
@mP: the number of keystrokes may be the same, but code is more often read than written and the mental effort of reading the full iterator loop significantly exceeds the effort of reading the foreach loop
Can you elaborate on the "lots of tiny classes and interfaces" comment?
@The Feast: An example is using the strategy pattern (verbose) where a lambda function (terse but still clear if used properly) would do. Not that the strategy pattern is inherently bad, just that it's overkill for a lot of things.
actually the for-each is just an ignorant way of mapping a function :)
Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen
Another good example when thinking of Java is the lack of closures (dsimcha mentioned it also): In java you cannot pass methods/functions as parameters: The only way to fake it is by using the Command design-pattern. But it makes code so cluttered with anonymous classes, so often I just don't use it. Besides Command interfaces are very restricted (because you have to use fixed numbers + specific types of parameters). Defining a dedicated command-interface for each "closure-use-case" is overkill. To summarize: The lack of closures@Java makes me often crazy.
manuel aldana
+4  A: 

I don't think it's quite that black and white. A language could be a little verbose, or very verbose, or somewhere in between.

Anyway, while people do talk about verbosity, I'm not sure it's what they really want to talk about. I think they're really talking about expressiveness. A given statement should be as verbose as necessary in order to be expressive — to clearly express the intent of the writer to both the compiler/interpreter and to other developers. That's not as easy as it sounds.

I agree with dsimcha that verbosity due to using words instead of more abstract symbols, such as extends as opposed to :, can increase clarity and be a net win.

To get specific, one of the aspects of Java's verbosity which can be problematic is the repetition; things like

Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(loggerName);


XMLOutputter xmlOutputter = new XMLOutputter();

It's not just annoying to type — it's also a lot of redundant symbols to read. And when we read lots of lines that look like that, we tend to start skimming them, and not really reading them closely. This can lead to the introduction of bugs, and to difficult troubleshooting.

Avi Flax
Its not that annoying to type, the IDE can complete at least half the chars in the above 2 examples. I think its good that the type reference and ctor are called, inferred stuff just gets in the way, static typing rules.
How does inferred stuff get in the way? I've been enjoying type inference in Scala and Go.
Avi Flax
@mP: Languages with type inference are statically typed. They just don't require us to restate the painfully obvious three times a line.
+7  A: 

There are two answers here. One is that overly verbose code like Java does not always have the elegance of less verbose languages where the concepts underlying the algorithm may be expressed more simply. Less syntax can mean less extra stuff obscuring the meaning of the code. I suspect that a lot of coders are motivated by the desire for that elegance.

However, clarity for the programmer and clarity for the maintainer are two different things. Languages like Java may be verbose, but by eliminating a lot of syntactical sugar such as operator overloading and properties, etc, Java code may actually be easier to read for those who do not have vast technical mastery of the language and more importantly, do not have the time or opportunity to become very familiar with the code to be maintained.

Operator overloading is perhaps the best example of this. It can make a program incredibly elegant in the eyes of the programmer, abstracting away all sorts of syntactical drivel leaving only the logic at the same time as making the algorithm completely impenetrable to someone who is not already familiar with the code, which is why some companies make using operator overloading a fireable offense :-).

So, the answer, as is usual in this case, is that verbosity is a good and a bad thing, depending on who you are and your situation. Which is why there are a whole bunch of languages out there. Personally, I like the idea that I can read any block of Java code out there and probably understand what's going on without having to understand the whole project. But I do so even as I dream of writing some aesthetically beautiful C# code using all those nifty features that strip away all that syntactic excess leaving almost pure gleaming logic.

Of course, others will weight the advantages and disadvantages of verbosity differently.

Tom West
I like your point - "Java code may actually be easier to read for those who do not have vast technical mastery of the language and more importantly"I'm still relatively inexperienced so maybe my view will change in the future
While overly syntax-heavy languages (Perl, GolfScript) are very hard to read even for experienced programmers who just happen to have no experience in that particular language, I don't quite think Java's no-features approach fares well here. Most Java code I've seen so far uses quite a few design patterns to some extent. Once you grasp those it becomes easier to know what a certain piece of code does but to someone without much experience that is pretty much lost. And while that's non-understanding on a semantic level of the class interactions it's no less annoying than the same with syntax.
+2  A: 

There's a rule of thumb: Programmers can write about the same number of lines of code per day, regardless of the language.

According to that rule of thumb, the less verbose the language, the more efficient the programmer is at creating code.

(Note: This rule of thumb might be accurate for creating code. Debugging code is another question, entirely.)

Chip Uni
Depends *strongly* on the power of the operators available to the programmer. Counter example: Brainfuck has very short but low level operators giving programs like Hello World - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainfuck#Hello_World.21
Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen
That's why it's a rule of thumb.
Chip Uni
+5  A: 
Marcelo Cantos
+4  A: 

A programmer spends almost none of his time actually typing, and almost all of his time thinking about and understanding code in front of him. Verbosity makes the latter much harder.

Dale Hagglund
Why would verbosity make things harder to understand? Redundancy actually makes things easier to understand, because if you miss one thing you might catch it the second time.
Chad Okere
@Chad: Often your greatest enemy in understanding code is the sheer crushing volume of it. Just about anybody can understand a three-line standalone function. Pretty much no one can comprehend a full 100kloc program. Therefore, less code is better code.
+1  A: 

Here's what annoys me about Java's verboseness. Let's say I have a simple class with 5 properties. It takes about 60 lines to create that class.

public class VerboseClass {

    private String name;
    private String address;
    private String city;
    private String state;
    private String zip;

    public VerboseClass(String name, String address, String city, String state, String zip) {
      this.name = name;
      this.address = address;
      this.city = city;
      this.state = state;
      this.zip = zip;

    public void setName(String name) {
     this.name = name;

    public String getName() {
     return name;

    public String getAddress() {
     return address;

    public void setAddress(String address) {
     this.address = address;

    public String getCity() {
     return city;

    public void setCity(String city) {
     this.city = city;

    public String getState() {
     return state;

    public void setState(String state) {
     this.state = state;

    public String getZip() {
     return zip;

    public void setZip(String zip) {
     this.zip = zip;

Peter Recore
As long as its only getters and setters, it's only ugly, and you can let your IDE autogenerate almost everything. It starts becoming bad once one of your setters actually does something, like validation, or once you have real logic somewhere. You end up with classes that have 50 lines of actual code hidden somewhere among 450 lines of getFoo() and setFoo(Foo foo).
You dont seem to appreciate the simplicity and readability of the above code. Properties are just sugar. Do properties in c# really buy you anything - does it make sense to have many ways to achieve the same target code ? How many ways does one need to read/write to a field ?
I suppose I should have added a little bit of logic to just one of the setters, to emphasize that one needs to scroll through the whole list, just to find the one that is special, as wallenborn mentions. It's not the typing that gets me, it is the scrolling scrolling scrolling. It is easier to absorb everything a class does if you can see it all on one screen. And buying a 30" monitor is not an acceptable solution :)
Peter Recore
If you don't like lots of getters/setters and don't see them point, don't use them. I don't.
Peter Lawrey
getter/setters are necessary to code to interfaces.
Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen
If you contrast this example with the same code in Groovy, the difference is stunning. It boils things down to the essence, and to uses convention for leverage.
Michael Easter
Eh, you could put each of those getters/setters on a single line (The code dosn't need newlines). Yeah it's not "java style" but the extra lines add.
Chad Okere
@Peter Lawrey: It's heretic in the Java community, but I've never seen what's wrong with public fields when you **know** you're not going to add validation logic, etc. Planning for future events that are unlikely to actually happen is called overengineering.

Have a look at the book 'The Mythical Man Month'. There is a chapter about measuring programmers productivity. It shows a study, which concludes that the less code a developer has to write the more productive he is.

I agree with this to some sense. The less code you have to write yourself the less maintenance is involved later (in reading, in debugging etc.). But there is a little caveat: In dynamic typed languages you write less code but you lose also typing information in source-code. But this could also decrease productivity later, because without static typed information you lose the possibility to use automatic refactoring tools, which gained productivity tremendously.

manuel aldana
+2  A: 

As an analogy, imagine that someone cleans their cluttered desk to just a few essential items.

One might say "there are just fewer items on the desk". But the original person may enjoy benefits far beyond that: focus, clarity, and productivity.

Furthermore, what if we have all been working at the same desk for years? Shouldn't we optimize some things? Why pretend that we are new to the gig?

In Groovy, for example, consider these features:

  • java.util.* and java.io.* are imported automatically
  • semi-colons are optional
  • methods and classes are public by default
  • support for properties

Now, these are trite examples: Groovy has so much more to offer. But even for these examples, the argument is more than just "less typing".

Arguments include:

  • We have been importing java.util.* since 1996 -- do we really need to keep doing that?
  • Except for rare circumstances, what does the semi-colon buy us?
  • We already have an understood convention that getters/setters are noise, generated by the IDE, and relegated to the bottom of the file. Why not improve on that convention and make it an innate part of the compiler/language?

This could go much deeper into a wide variety of topics, but the point is: much of the ballyhoo about the verbosity of Java is that we are discovering ways to build on the past, and to evolve our conventions. Why pretend that it is 1996? (especially when the alternatives do not sacrifice readability to the newcomer)

Michael Easter

The real problem with Java's verbosity isn't so much the language as it is the API.

For example, to print a line of text you do:

System.out.println("Line of text");

You get used to it, but it's a lot of typing compared to c:

printf("line of text\r\n");

Now, I actually think that makes sense the way it is. You could, for example have the Object class have a ton of built in utility functions like println so that beginning programmers wouldn't need to import all of them. And java now has things like static import so you can do

import static java.lang.System.err;
import static java.lang.System.out;

And then in your code you only need to do:

out.println("line of text");

Some of the worst examples are with XML, though. So if you have an XML document you want to parse, and you don't need any special processing you need to do:

Document d = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().parse(new FileInputStream("file.xml");

It would have been easy to create a convenience function that would only require you to do

Document d = XML.readFile("file.xml");

In fact, I have a function just like that in my personal library, which makes things much easier.

On the other had, with the ImageIO library, they did thigns right. If you want to load an image with default parsing, you just call

BufferedImage myImg = ImageIO.read("file.jpg");

And that's it. Much simpler and convenient.

But, a lot of these API annoyances can be taken care of with quick convenience functions of you own. But the real problem is that it makes it hard for beginning programmers to figure out WTF is going on.

Chad Okere
+3  A: 
  • verbosity - the amount of text
  • expressiveness - the ability to express complex things shortly
  • readability - the ease to understand the code

There is a tension between all 3: highly expressive language can be hard to understand, even though they can convey complex intention in a concise way. More verbosity make things maybe easier to understand, but useless verbosity (e.g. repeating information) does not help neither.

These considerations apply to the language itself, but also the API library and the programmer's code.

Java 1.4:

List  list = new ArrayList(); // Integer
for( int i=0; i<list.size(); i++ )
   int val = ((Integer)list.get(i)).intValue();
   list.put(i, new Integer(val*val) );

Java 1.5 with generics and auto-boxing

List<Integer>  list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for( int i=0; i<list.size(); i++ )
   int val = list.get(i);
   list.put(i, val*val );

An "hypothetical" Java with default generic type inference and foreach with counter.

List<Integer>  list = new ArrayList();
foreach( val : list ; Integer position )
   list.put( position , val*val );

Or in untyped Smalltalk:

list = OrderedCollection new.
list apply: [ :val | val * val ].

Which one do you prefer?


I think it comes down to how much stuff your eyes have to ignore when you are reading back a program.

When you are looking at some code you are generally trying to work out what it does, you are looking for the contained logic and control. If that program is something simple then there should not be much to see. With java, certain patterns lead to a lot of boiler plate code that add little and you really don't want to look at when you are reading the code.
I would love eclipse to have a mode which greys out such code.


final int i = 0;
Executor e;
e.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {

could be

final int i = 0;
Executor e;

Also, the whole standard getter/setter stuff. This is such a pain to look at:

static class A {
    private int i;
    private String a;

    public int getI() { return i; }
    public void setI(int v) { i = v; }
    public String getA() { return a; }
    public void setA(String v) { a = v; }

vs maybe

static class A {
    private int i;     // @readWrite
    private String a;  // @readWrite

These are not properly thought out language change suggestions, just simple examples hopefully indicating that the information that the reader is looking for is obvious and there is still enough information for a compiler to imply and generate its own boiler plate later.

It may not look like a big deal but once you have a reasonable amount of code in place it all counts. Plus, without a decent IDE to "type" all this extra stuff in for you, it is a real pain.
