



Hello guys. I have two tables :

create table CurrentDay (
ID int identity primary key,
ssn varchar(10), 
val money, 
CheckDate datetime, 
CurrentStatus tinyint)

create table PreviousDay (
ID int identity primary key,
ssn varchar(10), 
val money, 
CheckDate datetime, 
CurrentStatus tinyint)

I need update field CurrentDay.CurrentStatus with this values:

  • 111,if in the PreviousDay.ssn is the same ssn as in the CurrentDay and if the PreviousDay's val is the same as in the CurrentDay;
  • 112,if in the PreviousDay.ssn is the same as in the CurrentDay and if the PreviousDay's val is bigger as in the CurrentDay;
  • 113,if in the PreviousDay.ssn is the same as in the CurrentDay and if the PreviousDay's val is smaller as in the CurrentDay;
  • 114,if in there is not PreviousDay.ssn the same as in the CurrentDay i.e. the ssn in CurrentDay only (it is today's info) .

I'd wrote some query,but i it is desirable to find other way for doing this task using only one join between PreviousDay and CurrentDay tables. Obviously,that this isn't a very lucky kind...Here is my variant:

Update CurrentDay 
Set CurrentStatus=case
when exists (select PreviousDay.ID from PreviousDay 
where PreviousDay.ssn=CurrentDay.ssn AND 
PreviousDay.val=CurrentDay.val  AND
then 111
when exists (select PreviousDay.ID from PreviousDay 
where PreviousDay.ssn=CurrentDay.ssn AND 
PreviousDay.val>CurrentDay.val  AND
then 112
when exists (select PreviousDay.ID from PreviousDay 
where PreviousDay.ssn=CurrentDay.ssn AND 
PreviousDay.val<CurrentDay.val  AND
then 113
when exists (select PreviousDay.ID from PreviousDay 
where PreviousDay.ssn!=CurrentDay.ssn AND 
then 114

Here is other query,but in that case i cannot update CurrentDay.CurrentStatus' fieid with value 114 because there is only matching rows on ssn in both tables:

Set Currentday.CurrentStatus=(select 111 where PreviousDay.val=CurrentDay.val union all select 112 where and PreviousDay.val>CurrentDay.val union all select 113 where and PreviousDay.val<CurrentDay.val /*union all select 114 */ ) from PreviousDay join CurrentDay on PreviousDay.ssn=CurrentDay.ssn and PreviousDay.CheckDate=DATEADD(day,-1,CurrentDay.CheckDate)

Do you have any other ideas?

+1  A: 

You can try something like this

UPDATE CurrentDay 
     SET CurrentStatus =
      WHEN cd.val = pd.val THEN 111
      WHEN cd.val < pd.val THEN 112
      WHEN cd.val > pd.val THEN 113
      WHEN pd.val IS NULL THEN 114
FROM    CurrentDay cd LEFT JOIN
     PreviousDay pd ON cd.ssn = pd.ssn
         AND cd.CheckDate = DATEADD(d, 1, pd.CheckDate)

This was my test code. Play around with the val entries for PreviousDay to see if it works, or completely remove the entry for PreviousDay to see the new Entry option.

DECLARE  @CurrentDay table (
ID int identity primary key,
ssn varchar(10), 
val money, 
CheckDate datetime, 
CurrentStatus tinyint)

DECLARE @PreviousDay table (
ID int identity primary key,
ssn varchar(10), 
val money, 
CheckDate datetime, 
CurrentStatus tinyint)

INSERT INTO @CurrentDay (ssn, val, CheckDate)  SELECT 1, 1, '02 Jan 2009'
INSERT INTO @PreviousDay (ssn, val, CheckDate)  SELECT 1, 0, '01 Jan 2009'

UPDATE @CurrentDay 
     SET CurrentStatus =
      WHEN cd.val = pd.val THEN 111
      WHEN cd.val < pd.val THEN 112
      WHEN cd.val > pd.val THEN 113
      WHEN pd.val IS NULL THEN 114
FROM    @CurrentDay cd LEFT JOIN
     @PreviousDay pd ON cd.ssn = pd.ssn
         AND cd.CheckDate = DATEADD(d, 1, pd.CheckDate)

SELECT * FROM @CurrentDay
Same comment as for gbn - should be explicit on the 114 code (include the NULL check). I could have sworn you had the NULL check when I upvoted, now it is not.
Chris Shaffer
Changed it, something like that?
It would function correctly either way, just self documenting with the NULL check.
Chris Shaffer
thank you also,this working perfect
+1  A: 

Something like:

    CurrentStatus = CASE
            WHEN P.val = C.val THEN 111
            WHEN P.val > C.val THEN 112
            WHEN P.val < C.val THEN 113
            ELSE 114 ---this works because if P.VAL is null, that is no matching row
    CurrentDay C
    PreviousDay P On C.ssn = P.ssn AND P.CheckDate = DATEADD(day, -1, C.CheckDate))
I'd recommend being explicit on the 114 - Status 114 means the SSN didn't exist the previous day, so it should say "WHEN P.val IS NULL"; This is better for someone later on reading the code.
Chris Shaffer
thank you -this is what i needed!