




I want to convert my Resultset to List in my JSP page. and want to display all the values. This is my query:

SELECT userId, userName 
  FROM user;

I have executed that using preparedstatement and got the Resultset. But how to convert it as a List and want to display the result like this:

userID  userName
1001    user-X 
1006    user-Y  
1007    user-Z
+3  A: 

You need to iterate over the ResultSet object in a loop, row by row, to pull out each column value:

ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT userid, username FROM USER");

// Fetch each row from the result set
while (rs.next()) {
  int i = rs.getInt("userid");
  String str = rs.getString("username");

  //Assuming you have a user object
  User user = new User(i, str);


For more info on getting data out of a ResultSet object, see this link.

OMG Ponies
only thing that could be fixed is to change the statement to prepared statement (as the OP)
True, but it doesn't really matter because the question only regards getting data out of the ResultSet object.
OMG Ponies
Thanks for your answer and discussions on this. I got it. I added those resultset in the List and Iterate it.
Gnaniyar Zubair
+1  A: 

You could always use Commons DbUtils and the MapListHandler. From the doc:

ResultSetHandler implementation that converts a ResultSet into a List of Maps

so it'll take a lot of boilerplate code out of your hands.

Brian Agnew

A ResultSet should never get as far as a JSP. It should be mapping into a data structure or object and closed inside the method scope in which it was created. It's a database cursor, a scarce resource. Your app will run out of them soon if you persist with such a design.
