



I think I'm not using verify correctly. Here is the test:

@Mock GameMaster mockGM;    
Player pWithMock;

public void setUpPlayer() throws SecurityException, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
 pWithMock = new Player(mockGM);

    public void mockDump() {
     verify(mockGM).emitRandom(); // fails

Here is the code it calls:

public boolean testDump() {
 Letter t = tiles.getRandomTile();
 return dump(t);

private boolean dump(Letter tile) {
            if (! gm.canTakeDump() || tiles.count() == 0) {
  return false;

 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
  tiles.addTile(gm.emitRandom()); // this is the call I want to verify
 return true;

Failure trace:

Wanted but not invoked:
-> at nth.bananas.test.PlayerTest.mockDump(

However, there were other interactions with this mock:
-> at nth.bananas.Player.dump(

    at nth.bananas.test.PlayerTest.mockDump(

The call I want to verify is several layers down. Is there a different way to check this?


I'm not sure to understand what you are doing. Given the following Player class:

public class Player {
    private final GameMaster gm;

    public Player(GameMaster gameMaster) { = gameMaster;

    public void foo() {; // this is the call we want to verify

And the following GameMaster class:

public class GameMaster {
    public GameMaster() {

    public void bar() {

I'd write the test of Player like this:

import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;

import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner;

public class PlayerTest {

    private GameMaster gm;

    public void testFoo() {
        Player player = new Player(gm);;
        verify(gm).bar(); // pass
Pascal Thivent
I definitely don't know what I'm doing. How is this different from what I posted?
also, what if the GameMaster class doesn't have a constructor with no args?
@Rosarch *How is that different?* I'm not totally sure as you didn't show all code but, well, this works :) *What if the GameMaster doesn't have a constructor with no args?* Well, this is a sample but if you need to add this constructor to make the code testable, just do it.
Pascal Thivent
ok, but in your example, what if `foo()` calls `odp()`, which then calls `bar()`. Would `verify(gm).bar()` still detect it?
I'm not sure of what `opd()` does but you may need to create a full graph of mocks if this is your question.
Pascal Thivent
`odp()` does nothing but call `bar()`. `void odp() {;}`
@Rosarch Isn't that precisely what `foo()` is doing? I don't get the difference.
Pascal Thivent
Right, but `foo()` isn't calling `bar()` directly, whereas `odp()` is.
I don't think I'm still following you and, because I can't reproduce your test, I don't think we'll solve this using the commenting system. Maybe you should post something that readers could reproduce, this would help IMO.
Pascal Thivent

There is an error in your test method: it's missing a necessary expectation for the GameMaster#canTakeDump(). This method needs to return true when called from the tested method (because of its use in that if statement at line 45).
