The proper way is like this:
// myDictDict is Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>
Dictionary<string, string> myDict;
string key = "hello";
if (!myDictDict.TryGetValue(key, out myDict)) {
myDict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
myDictDict.Add(key, myDict);
myDict.Add("tom", "cat");
This will extract the dictionary corresponding to the key (hello
in your example) or create it if necessary and then will add the key/value pair to that dictionary. You could even extract this into an extension method.
static class Extensions {
public static void AddToNestedDictionary<TKey, TNestedDictionary, TNestedKey, TNestedValue>(
this IDictionary<TKey, TNestedDictionary> dictionary,
TKey key,
TNestedKey nestedKey,
TNestedValue nestedValue
) where TNestedDictionary : IDictionary<TNestedKey, TNestedValue> {
() => (TNestedDictionary)(IDictionary<TNestedKey, TNestedValue>)
new Dictionary<TNestedKey, TNestedValue>());
public static void AddToNestedDictionary<TKey, TNestedDictionary, TNestedKey, TNestedValue>(
this IDictionary<TKey, TNestedDictionary> dictionary,
TKey key,
TNestedKey nestedKey,
TNestedValue nestedValue,
Func<TNestedDictionary> provider
) where TNestedDictionary : IDictionary<TNestedKey, TNestedValue> {
TNestedDictionary nested;
if (!dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out nested)) {
nested = provider();
dictionary.Add(key, nested);
nested.Add(nestedKey, nestedValue);
I left out guarding against null
input to keep the idea clear.
() => new Dictionary<string, string>()
myDictDict.AddToNesteDictionary("hello", "tom", "cat");