When a user is inputting something, I need to check user input against the corresponding data in database using AJAX, but I can't continuously check user input against the data in database because that would overwhelm my database server. I just want to start an AJAX request at a significant/obvious/sensible pause during user inputting. For example, the input cursor doesn't move for one or two seconds.From the viewpoint of user, he thinks the check is real-time. How to do this using Jquery?
Why doesn't my code work as expected?
function subjectivecheck(id){
var cost=(new Date().getTime() - start.getTime())/1000;
var value=$('#question'+id).val();
$.post("subjectivecheck.php?",{val:value, qid:id,time:cost, a_id:"<?php echo $announcementid; ?>"},function(xm){
case 4:
{ $htm='Congrats,you have passed the test.';
case 1:
case 0:{
case 3:{
$('#subjectivequestion').text('You have failed at this announcement.');
$('#choicequestions').text(" ");
var ajaxCallTimeoutID = null;
function subjectivecheckcallback(id){
if (ajaxCallTimeoutID != null)
ajaxCallTimeoutID = setTimeout(subjectivecheck(id), 1000);