



Hey there,

I currently have a norton ghost backup of the 'My Documents' folder, however norton ghost does not allow me to restore 'all' my files at once, and only has the functionality to search for specific files and restore them. This is a problem as I have nearly 100GB of important documents and such, that are locked away in these .fbf files.

So the first thing I thought of was to write my own program to decode and recover all my files myself.

Unfortunately I have no experience in decoding unknown file structures. So I have come here for help.

I figured the easiest way to find out what is was doing is to create my own file, and use norton ghost to do a backup of it, and then edit the file, and do another backup.

Here are the results:

Original File (important.txt):

Artist: Owl City
Song: Fireflies

FBF Data:

SymBakUp  1.0
׬BV¼†Ê׬BV¼†Êž R    ö·æļ†Ê                    S 1 2   !        €³?£†Ê €³?£†Ê    C : / f g t / d a t a /   i m p o r t a n t . t x t   FHT1        !   !   -§­æArtist: Owl City
Song: FirefliesFHT1                   

Edited Original File (important.txt):

Artist: Lady GaGa
Song: Bad Romance

Edited FBF Data:

SymBakUp  1.0
جBV¼†ÊجBV¼†Êž R    Ðÿ?¾†Ê                    S 1 2   $        €³?£†Êb†n¾†Ê    C : / f g t / d a t a /   i m p o r t a n t . t x t   FHT1        $   $   àFèArtist: Lady GaGa
Song: Bad RomanceFHT1

So to me it appears there is no compression (as its plain-text), and is storing the original file location. However I have no idea what the rest of the junk is and how to accurately process these files (there is 100s).

Any help would be appreciated.
