




i am trying to create a new user playlist using the cocoa scripting bridge, but cannot seem to get it to work. i have so far:

iTunesApplication *iTunes = [SBApplication 
SBElementArray *iSources = [iTunes sources];
iTunesSource *library = nil;
for (iTunesSource *source in iSources) {
    if ([[source name] isEqualToString:@"Library"]) {
        library = source;

// could not find the itunes library
if (!library) {
    NSLog(@"Could not connect to the iTunes library");

// now look for our playlist
NSString *playlistName = @"new playlist";
SBElementArray *playlists = [library userPlaylists];
iTunesUserPlaylist *playlist = nil;
for (iTunesUserPlaylist *thisList in playlists) {
    if ([[thisList name] isEqualToString:playlistName]) {
        playlist = thisList;

// if the playlist was not found, create it
if (!playlist) {
    playlist = [[[iTunes classForScriptingClass:@"playlist"] alloc] init];
    [playlist setName:playlistName];
    [[library userPlaylists] insertObject:playlist atIndex:0];

when i try and add a name for the playlist, i get the error message:

iTunesBridge[630:80f] * -[SBProxyByClass setName:]: object has not been added to a container yet; selector not recognized

can anyone point me in the correct direction?

+1  A: 

Making new application objects is dreadfully obfuscated in SB. The pseudo-Cocoa-ish alloc-init-insert procedure bears no resemblance to what's actually going on underneath. While the alloc-init appears to create a regular object that you can manipulate with subsequent method calls, the result is actually a shim whose only function is to be 'inserted' into an 'array', at which point SB sends an actual make event to the target process. (See also here and here for SB criticisms.)

IIRC, the only point you can actually specify initial properties is in -initWithProperties:. You can set them after the object has been 'inserted', but that is a completely different operation (manipulating an object that already exists rather than specifying initial state for an object being created) so can easily have unintended consequences if you aren't careful.

At any rate, here's how you'd normally create a new playlist if one doesn't already exist:

set playlistName to "new playlist"
tell application "iTunes"
    if not (exists playlist playlistName) then
        make new playlist with properties {name:playlistName}
    end if
end tell

And, FWIW, here's how I'd do it in ObjC, using objc-appscript (which I wrote so I wouldn't have to use SB, natch):

#import "ITGlue/ITGlue.h"

NSString *playlistName = @"new playlist";

ITApplication *itunes = [ITApplication applicationWithName: @"iTunes"];
ITReference *playlist = [[itunes playlists] byName: playlistName];

if ([[[playlist exists] send] boolValue])
    playlist = [playlist getItem];
    playlist = [[[[itunes make] new_: [ITConstant playlist]] 
                      withProperties: [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: playlistName
                                                                  forKey: [ITConstant name]]] send];

(The downside of objc-appscript is that you have to build and embed a copy of the framework in your application bundle. The benefits are that it's more capable, less prone to application compatibility issues, and much less obfuscated. Plus you can use appscript's ASTranslate tool to convert the Apple events sent by the above AppleScript into ObjC syntax - very handy when figuring out how to construct your references and commands.)

hey thanks, you are right, working with scripting bridge is a bit of a nightmare. objc-appscript looks good, but a bit overkill in my case, as adding files to a playlist is all i am after. i did get it working with:playlist = [[[iTunes classForScriptingClass:@"playlist"] alloc] initWithProperties:[NSDictionary blah]]];so thanks for the pointer
+2  A: 

You should look into EyeTunes. It's an open-source framework for interacting with iTunes using Objective-C. You code would look much more simple if you did it through EyeTunes.


Just a quick note that [[source name] isEqualToString:@"Library"] definitely does not work on non-english systems. It might be better to simply use iTunesSource *library = [[_iTunes sources] objectAtIndex: 0]; since the first source item is the one at the top, e.g. the main library.
