



Hi there,

I'm trying ton include some JSF into my webapp. For the components lib I've choosed ICEFaces, now I'm facing a problem:

ICEFaces doesn't trigger the processAction method which is required to get requestparameters. In my other "normal" portlets I can do - in JBoss Portal - e.g.


With Icefaces I cannot do that


is always nulll.

I'm already accessing the Externalcontext in my managed-bean (scope request). Does anyone knows an other approach to get the request params?


We used ICEFaces, and regret it, if you stil didn't do too much, for web UI, I'd go with something else. GWT, EXT-JS (the LGPL Branch), Flex or JQuery, but ICEFaces still causes nightmares to some of our developers...

Ehrann Mehdan
Well I refused it and replaced it with Richfaces with the JBoss Portlet Bridge - If someone can point me the way to get use of the "portlet bridge request scope", I'll be happy
solved it: just a simple #{param.paramName} does the job.
Please add it as an answer to your own question, and approve it as the chosen answer, seems better than mine ;)
Ehrann Mehdan