I'm getting an anonymous class at compile-time that I'm not expecting. Relevant code follows, then a more detailed explanation:
Entirety of CircuitType.java:
public enum CircuitType { V110A20, V110A30, V208A20, V208A30 }
From Auditor.java, lines 3-9:
public class Auditor {
private String[] fileNames;
private int numV110A20;
private int numV110A30;
private int numV208A20;
private int numV208A30;
From Auditor.java, lines 104-121:
switch (newCircuit.getType()) {
case V110A20:
case V110A30:
case V208A20:
case V208A30:
System.err.println("An Error Has Occured.");
From Circuit.java, lines 1-5:
public class Circuit {
private CircuitType myType;
public CircuitType getType() {
return this.myType;
When the command
javac *.java
is executed, an anonymous class Auditor$1.java is generated. The files, obviously, all sit next to each other in a file system directory that contains nothing else.
When lines 104-121 are commented out, no anonymous class is generated.
I at first thought it was a package issue, so put the three classes in a package, but I didn't know enough about packages to get it working. If it's truely a package issue, can someone step me through exactly how to label them? I'd rather not have to package them if I don't have to, though.
The reason the anonymous class is a problem, besides the fact that such classes usually signify a namespace issue, is that it breaks my Makefile I use for automatic compilation.
Attached is a console session which I hope may shed light on this mystery:
% javap 'Auditor$1'
Compiled from "Auditor.java"
class Auditor$1 extends java.lang.Object{
static final int[] $SwitchMap$CircuitType;
static {};