I found what I thought was a great article by Ayende on creating a simple base test fixture for NHib unit testing with SQLite.
My question here is the code for a test case in concrete test fixture. In EX_1 below, Ayende wraps both the save a fetch in a transaction which he commits, and has a Session.Clear in between. This works, or course, but so does EX_2.
All things equal I'd prefer the more compact, readable EX_2. Any thoughts on why the additional code in EX_1 is worth a bit of clutter?
==== EX_1 =====
public void CanSaveAndLoadBlog_EX_1()
object id;
using (var tx = session.BeginTransaction())
id = session.Save(new Blog
AllowsComments = true,
CreatedAt = new DateTime(2000,1,1),
Subtitle = "Hello",
Title = "World",
using (var tx = session.BeginTransaction())
var blog = session.Get<Blog>(id);
Assert.Equal(new DateTime(2000, 1, 1), blog.CreatedAt);
Assert.Equal("Hello", blog.Subtitle);
Assert.Equal("World", blog.Title);
==== EX_2 =====
public void CanSaveAndLoadBlog_EX_2()
var id = session.Save(new Blog
AllowsComments = true,
CreatedAt = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1),
Subtitle = "Hello",
Title = "World",
var fromDb = session.Get<Blog>(id);
Assert.Equal(new DateTime(2000, 1, 1), fromDb.CreatedAt);
Assert.Equal("Hello", fromDb.Subtitle);
Assert.Equal("World", fromDb.Title);