




Hello, I am creating an android app that basically records an applies an "Effect" on the audio track then plays it back. I got my app to record an play back but I am stuck an not sure where do go from here. I have been Googling for days now trying to find a open source audio library or some way to change the audio after I record it. I currently have it setup to play back using SoundPool an I't lets me speed up an slow down the audio. I would like to do things like change pitch an add echo etc. I will appreciate any responses because I am totally stumped right now.

Thanks Adam


Have you checked into the Java Sound API? It looks like it can do some of what you want.

Java Sound API isn't implemented in Android, and it's not planned: http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=60
Jon Galloway
So is there any possible way to do audio manipulation on the android platform?ThanksAdam