I have a self-hosted service that I want to add transport security to. I've set WSHttpBinding.SecurityMode to Transport and the ClientCredentialType to HttpClientCredentialType.None. I've created a certificate and set it to my host with ServiceHost.Credentials.ServiceCertificate.SetCertificate() I've also registered it using netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=[MyCertHash] certstorename=MY appid=[TheGuidOfTheAppTahtRunsTheService] verifyclientcertrevocation=disable
I'm getting the following error message whenever I try to call the service: "Authentication failed because the remote party has closed the transport stream."
Does this mean the the client and server try to authenticate each other? How can I disable it? To make things clear, I do not want to install a certificate at the client, I'm not looking for any authentication atm, just securing the messages content, if that's even possible.