




Hi All,

I know how to autostart after boot with the BOOT_COMPLETED intent action, but I didn't find how to autostart an application just after it has been installed on the device.

For my application I would like to set an alarm after the install, I looked at the PACKAGE_ADDED intent action but it says that the newly installed package does not receive this broadcast.

Any advice ?

Thanks in advance

+5  A: 

As you mention, there's no way of receiving your own PACKAGE_ADDED event; you just have to check for a flag each time you start your application.

For example:

SharedPreferences prefs = getPreferences(MODE_PRIVATE);
if (!prefs.contains(KEY_FIRST_RUN)) {
    /* do some one-off stuff here */
    prefs.edit().putBoolean(KEY_FIRST_RUN, false).commit();

You could put this in your Application class, or in your launcher's onCreate method.

Ok thank you, I understand why I didn't find anything about that !What I would like is that to set the alarm without starting my application, but I think it's not possible...So there is no way to auto-launch an application apart after boot...
"So there is no way to auto-launch an application apart after boot" -- correct. That is by design.
thanks all, I consider Christopher's response as an acceptable answer so ;-)
Indeed, it is by design, not that I quite agree with the decision. If developers are trusted not to abuse the `BOOT_COMPLETED` broadcast, why not the `PACKAGE_ADDED` one?
Especially that a `PACKAGE_ADDED` broadcast is triggered at each install of any application...