



I am trying to set up Cruise Control so that it runs as a service. How is this done? Also what difficulties as far as rights go might I run into?

+2  A: 

You can check out the official documentation on this. That said, I have done it in the past without having to muck about with anything out of the ordinary.

Martinho Fernandes
the link points to CruiseControl doc. This is the link to CruiseControl.NET doc:
The Chairman
and yet it was accepted as the answer, so I'm guessing it answered the question, or he did not actually test it.
Lasse V. Karlsen
Sorry for the confusion. I fixed the link now. Thanks Chairman.
Martinho Fernandes
+2  A: 

I've tried to use CC.Net but I found myself spending more time to keep things running smoothly on builds than coding... I switched to TeamCity since it's free for small to medium projects.


In the installation folder of CC.NET you will fine two executables viz. ccnet.exe and ccnetservice.exe. The former one is the console mode host and the later a windows service. You can start/stop that service from the windows service controller panel. (Start->Run->Services.msc). Please make sure both the exes have the same contents in the config file.


James Poulose