




I want a regex to validate inputs of the form AABBAAA, where A is a a letter (a-z, A-Z) and B is a digit (0-9). All the As must be the same, and so must the Bs.

+6  A: 

It's really not as hard as you think; you've got most of the syntax already.


The numbers in braces ({}) tell how many times to match the previous character or set of characters, so that matches [a-zA-Z] twice, [0-9] twice, and [a-zA-Z] three times.

Edit: If you want to make sure the matched string is not part of a longer string, you can use word boundaries; just add \b to each end of the regex:


Now "Ab12Cde" will match but "YZAb12Cdefg" will not.

Edit 2: Now that the question has changed, backreferences are the only way to do it. edsmilde's answer should work; however, you may need to add the word boundaries to get your final solution.

Michael Myers
You can also use `\d{2}` instead of `[0-9]{2}`, depending on your preference.
Should this be anchored, to prohibit, say, BBAABBAAABB?
Not in the specification. ;)
Michael Myers
+6  A: 

If all the A's and B's are supposed to be the same, I think the only way to do it would be:


Where \1 and \2 refer to the first and second parenthetical groupings. However, I don't think all regex engines support this.

+1 for backreferences, supported by at least Basic and Extended POSIX REs and perl. While probably *not* what the questioner wants, it is a valid reading of the question.
True. This way `AB12CDE` will not match but `AA11AAA` will; I doubt that's what the OP wants, but it very well could be.
Michael Myers