Our web application has an activex dll that runs in IE. It is given a strong name and a custom permission set based on that strong name.
The assembly is decorated like this:
[assembly: AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers]
and the class of the activex control needs this to run in the browser:
[PrintingPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, Unrestricted = true)]
When I add our custom code group under the Trusted_Zone and add the site to trusted sites, everything works fine. But when I add the code group under the Internet_Zone the activex control and remove the domain from trusted sites the activex control won't run.
In IE8, the security zones are all set to their default settings. Also when I change the security settings for "ActiveX controls and plug-ins" in the internet zone to the same as they are in the Trusted Site Zone, the control doesn't work. Is there something else I need to do, either through caspol or an IE setting to allow this to run in the internet zone?