I have a web page where I want to display hotel reviews from the yelp.com API for a number of hotels.
I have managed to do this for one hotel, and it works perfectly displaying the data under that specific hotel's details on the page. However, how can I now multiply this process so that I have separate reviews for each hotel?
My web page can be seen at http://dev.bhx-birmingham-airport.co.uk/pages/hotels.php to get an idea of what I'm trying to do.
The source code I am using so far looks like:
function showData(data) {
$.each(data.businesses, function(i,business){
// extra loop
$.each(business.reviews, function(i,review){
var content = '<p>Review - ' + review.text_excerpt + ' <a href="http://www.yelp.co.uk/biz/hilton-birmingham-metropole-hotel-solihull">Read more...</a></p>';
content += 'Rating - <img src="' + business.rating_img_url + '" />';
content += '<p>Date Added - ' + review.date + '</p>';
// note the use of the "callback" parameter
writeScriptTag( "http://api.yelp.com/business_review_search?"+
"&callback=showData"); // <- callback
function writeScriptTag(path) {
var fileref = document.createElement('script');
fileref.setAttribute("src", path);