Which implementations of the Servlet 3.0 specification are available (or at least in beta) besides GlassFish?
Note that you'd need Jetty 8.x which is still Experimental.
Mirko Nasato
2009-12-30 14:46:51
I can confirm that: Jetty 7 supports only parts of Servlet 3.0. You cannot deploy a .war file without a web.xml for example.
2009-12-30 20:00:26
Yes, maybe I was somewhat too fast with Jetty :) still have to wait some more. shame on me :)
2009-12-30 22:08:51
Jetty works quite well, but there is also the reference implementation, Glassfish V3. It seems decent enough.
2009-12-30 10:42:36
Tomcat 7.0 is on its way. It is still in development. Jetty 8 is supposed to implement Servlet 3.0, it is also still in development (check the Versions section at bottom).
As far now there's only the GlassFish v3 as being a stable release.
2009-12-30 12:07:46
In fact I think GlassFish is just using Tomcat: jar tf glassfish/modules/web-core.jar shows org.apache.catalina and org.apache.tomcat classes.
Mirko Nasato
2009-12-30 14:50:08