Hi, I need some help over here to understand how the model relationship works on rails. Let me explain the scenario.
I have created 3 models.
- Properties
- Units
- Rents
Here is the how relationship mapped for them.
Model #property.rb
class Property < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :units
has_many :rents, :through=> :unit
Model #unit.rb
class Unit < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :property
has_many :rents
Model #rent.rb
class Rent < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :unit
here is the the schema
create_table "units", :force => true do |t|
t.integer "property_id"
t.string "number"
t.decimal "monthly_rent"
create_table "rents", :force => true do |t|
t.integer "unit_id"
t.string "month"
t.string "year"
t.integer "user_id"
OK, here is my problem. Let's say I have 2 properties
- property A
- property B
- property A has unit A01,A02,A03
- property B has unit B01,B02,B03
I need to generate a report which shows the SUM of all the outstanding rents based on the property and month
So here is how it should be looks like. (tabular format)
- Property A - December - RENT SUM GOES HERE
- Property B - December - RENT SUM GOES HERE
So I got all the properties first. But I really can't figure out a way to merge the properties and units (I guess we don't need the rents model for this part) and print them in the view. Can someone help me to do this. Thanks
def outstanding_by_properties
@properties = Property.find(:all)
@units = Unit.find(:all,:select=>"SUM(monthly_rent) as total,property_id",:conditions=>['property_id IN (?)',@properties])