I'm working on converting a crm 3.0 callout library, and would like to use log4net for logging. I am able to get the library to compile and deployed to my crm server, but I can't seem to get it to log. I'm using a RollingLogFileAppender. I put the log4net.config and compiled versions of the library in the \server\assembly folder. I have trace logs enabled in crm and no errors are logged here or in event viewer. I've granted full access rights to the network service user on the \server\assembly folder and this is also where I've configured the log4net logs to be written to.
When I write my own log method using StreamWriter, it does work, but I would rather use log4net.
I have a feeling that log4net cannot find the log4net.config, but I'm not sure how to determine this without going through the trouble of remote debugging or adding additional debug code to the log4net library.
Any suggestions?