



Can anyone explain how does the real time response works in Twitter ? Like when u search in twitter while viewing the result u get real-time updates saying "7 more people tweeted" . I have noticed there is no AJAX call being made. Can someone tell me how this works and is it possible to implement such a thing using PHP ?

+1  A: 

It's probably using long polling. See comet.

+3  A: 

Firebug shows that it is making asynchronous calls to the server:

Note the variables:

  • q: "new year"
  • since_id: 7199106684
  • refresh: true
  • callback processSummizeRefresh

All it's doing is looking for any matches to the q variable whose ID is greater than since_id and returning a count. If you load the results, by clicking "123 new tweets," the since_id will be updated to reflect the new latest ID value.

Jonathan Sampson
It has to query the server its understood. How does it do it without making any AJAX calls ?
It IS making ajax a calls. I pulled this information out of firebug.
Jonathan Sampson
Okay finally found that it does make AJAX calls. Can you give me a reason why the AJAX call made, does not get logged into the console tab of firebug. Coz most of the applications I seen, all the AJAX calls get logged into the console tab of firebug, in twitters case it isnt so?
If you open firebug after you've already loaded the page, I think it may not capture future asynchronous traffic. Try going to the page with firebug opened, then refresh the page.
Jonathan Sampson
+2  A: 

It's all about comet, as mentioned by Zack. Implementations in PHP are tricky; Facebook uses Erlang.

If you want to get started with PHP without the hassle of setting up your own server, check out WebSync On-Demand.
