I've got an app that lets users send sms messages. Works great when the message < 160 characters. After that, things work less-perfectly. Seems like there are a few options here:
- Manually break the message up into multiple SMSs, send each part as a separate SMS.
- Use the multi-part send SMS function (sendMultipartTextMessage()).
- Send the message as an MMS message (sendDataMessage()?).
Here's my novice take on it:
1) most well supported across carriers. Users may get mad that you just cost them N separate messages though, instead of converting to MMS or something.
2) not sure if this is supported by different carriers, and read that once the message is greater than 3 * 160 chars in length, gets converted to MMS anyway by different SMS apps - maybe stay away from this altogether.
3) not sure how to do this, and older phones might not support MMS. To send an MMS using the android SDK, do we just use the SmsManager.sendDataMessage() method?