



As many of you might know Google just released it's "Go Language" ( as an experimental language. Does anyone know of any projects that people have been "experimenting" with? Just wondering what people's takes on it so far are. Although this may be too soon to tell.

+3  A: 

As Go is still a fledgling language, most of the projects based on it have been created by tinkerers and experimenters:

And the Hello, World! of the last year:

Apart from that, there are a lot of bindings to C code being created, normal programming experiments, and people looking to push Go to new platforms (e.g. Win32).

Michael Greene
+1  A: 

One way to find some sample Go code to look at would be a Google Code Search for lang:go

+3  A: 

If you want to try writing web apps in go, I've written a small web framework called web.go . It's still in the early phases but I think it'll become really useful.

Nice! Do you plan on this adopting MVC?
+12  A: 

There are lots of links to different projects available here:

Evan Shaw
Great link! That one "Go Paste" app looks interesting just because it's web based.
+2  A: 

My company is working on a Win32 native Go compiler. After some early experimentation with various approaches, we have finally settled down on constructing it in Go itself, beginning as a cross compiler on Linux (we'd have used the Mingw port, but we got started before that was really ready). When we get it to the point where it can compile itself, we know we'll be pretty close to shipping.

Google typically calls everything beta for as long as they can and, true to form, they're going around hedging on Go, refraining from calling it "ready for primetime." Our experience so far, however, has been very positive. The compiler is in pretty good shape, and the support libraries are fairly good. Given the nature of our project, we can't speak as well on the runtime itself. It's functional enough for our needs, but we're not exactly putting the hurt on it.

We've found ourselves very much liking the language itself. Given its newness, there is a distinct lack of "howtos" and tutorials, and we've had to figure out a lot of stuff by trial-and-error and digging through the specs, but Google's team has been very consistent in their design, which means that largely things have worked as we expect when we get to that point.

All in all, it gets a big thumbs up from us.

Russell Newquist