Given three models that are each nested in each other. If I create the top-level object and build_* the other child objects, I can retrieve all child objects through the relationships before and after save() on the original instance. However, if I try to retrieve the 2nd level nested object after find(:id) the original parent it fails. I can retrieve the 1st level nested object, however. This usually happens in a controller, but I'll illustrate it in console output below.
What am I overlooking?
Thanks in advance!
>> l = :buyer_name => 'Kim Possible', :email => '[email protected]', :phone => '7131231234' >> l.build_buyer >> = 'kim buyer' >> l.buyer >> l.buyer.build_contact_detail >> = "[email protected]" >> #returns true >> l.buyer #THIS WORKS => #<Buyer id: 1, name: "kim buyer", lead_id: 1> >> l.buyer.contact_detail #THIS WORKS => #<ContactDetail id: 1, company_id: nil, buyer_id: 1, email: nil, address_line_1: nil, address_line_2: nil, city: nil, state: nil, postal_code: nil> >> l2 = Lead.find(1) => #<Lead id: 1, company_id: nil, buyer_id: nil, public_lead_id: nil, buyer_name: "Kim Possible", company_name: nil, email: "[email protected]", phone: "7131231234"> >> l2.buyer #THIS WORKS AS EXPECTED => #<Buyer id: 1, name: "kim buyer", lead_id: 1> >> l2.buyer.contact_detail #THIS BREAKS => nil
All the boilerplate stuff below:
class Lead has_one :buyer #... end class Buyer has_one :contact_detail belongs_to :lead #... end class ContactDetail belongs_to :buyer #... end
The appropriate foreign keys are in each of the "belongs_to" classes.
class CreateBuyers < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :buyers do |t| t.string :name t.integer :lead_id ... class CreateContactDetails < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :contact_details do |t| t.integer :buyer_id