I want to have something like node-type-form.tpl.php in my theme to control the layout of a few of my different content type node forms. I know that I should be able to put something in my template.php to accomplish this.
This is a great module! I just ended up using this.
2010-01-06 01:25:48
In your template.php, you can create a preprocess function. In this preprocess function, you can edit the template files like this:
if($variables['teaser'] == 1) {
$variables['template_files'][] = "node-" . $variables['node']->type ."-teaser";
2009-12-31 10:18:01
I added it to Garlands preprocess function. It does work for default node types, but would not work for my custom content types.
2010-01-06 01:25:12