



+3  Q: 

How to hide cursor

Is there anyway to hide cursor other than using transparent gif image?

+4  A: 

It appears that the Cursor class does not have a "blank" cursor to begin with, so one could define a new "blank" cursor using the Toolkit.createCustomCursor method.

Here's one way I've tried which seems to work:

// Transparent 16 x 16 pixel cursor image.
BufferedImage cursorImg = new BufferedImage(16, 16, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);

// Create a new blank cursor.
Cursor blankCursor = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createCustomCursor(
    cursorImg, new Point(0, 0), "blank cursor");

// Set the blank cursor to the JFrame.


Regarding the comment about everything inside the JFrame ending up without a cursor, it seems that the Components which are contained in the JFrame will end up inheriting the cursor of the container (the JFrame), so if it is a requirement to have a certain Component have the cursor appear, one would have to manually set the desired cursor.

For example, if there is a JPanel contained in the JFrame, then one could set the cursor of that JPanel to the system's default using the Cursor.getDefaultCursor method:

JPanel p = ...
// Sets the JPanel's cursor to the system default.
Thank you very much for the answer Coobird. But I have another problem. I created JFrame which contains JPanel, which size is smaller than the JFrame. I only want the cursor disappears when the mouse pointed outside the JPanel.Is that means that when I set the cursor in the main JFrame as invisible, the cursor will disappear completely on the screen?
Hi Jessy, I've added the part about how to set the JPanel to the system default in my answer.
Thank you very much CooBird...It works!! :-) you made my day...
You're welcome :)