I faced a problem in Visual studio 2008.When i click on Sorce Control Explorer(Views-> Other Windows-> Source control Explorer) The IDE was not responding.
So i googled and got a solution here(http://support.microsoft.com/kb/952102).
The cause was " The problem is the vssprovider.dll failed to load."
And the solution was
Remove vssprovider.dll from the list of packages to skip by running:
devenv.exe /resetskippkgs
I implemented this solution and it worked.
But i have few questions here
1) what is this command actually doing ? Is that the right way to to remove vssprovider.dll .
2) Will this afffect the devolopment in future and throw some unexpected error/behavour in IDE ?
3) what is the role of vssprovider.dll ?
Please advise.
Thanks in advance.