



Dear Folk's i'm using the following code in order to send the bytes of a picture into the stream table:

Dim FirstColumnNames As String = imTable(0) & "_Code, " & imTable(0) & "_Price, " & imTable(0) & "_Title, " & imTable(0) & "_Type, " & imTable(0) & "_Height, " & imTable(0) & "_Width, " & imTable(0) & "_Comments "
Dim FirstFieldsValues As String = "'" & imParam(1) & "', '" & imParam(2) & "', '" & imParam(0) & "', '" & imType.ToString & "', '" & imHeight & "', '" & imWidth & "', '" & imParam(3) & "' "
RemoteSQLcmd = New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO " & imTable(0) & " (" & FirstColumnNames & ")  VALUES (" & FirstFieldsValues & ") ", RemoteSQLConn, RemoteSQLtx)
RemoteSQLcmd = New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM " & imTable(0) & " WHERE " & imTable(0) & "_Code = " & "'" & imParam(1) & "'", RemoteSQLConn, RemoteSQLtx)
AbsRecord = RemoteSQLcmd.ExecuteScalar
Dim imGUID As Guid = Guid.NewGuid()
Dim SecondColumnNames As String = imTable(1) & "_" & imTable(0) & "_ID , " & imTable(1) & "_GUID "
Dim SecondFieldsValues As String = "'" & AbsRecord & "', '" & imGUID.ToString & "'"
RemoteSQLcmd = New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO " & imTable(1) & " (" & SecondColumnNames & ")  VALUES (" & SecondFieldsValues & ") ", RemoteSQLConn, RemoteSQLtx)
RemoteSQLcmd = New SqlCommand("SELECT GET_FILESTREAM_TRANSACTION_CONTEXT() " & "FROM " & imTable(1) & " WHERE " & imTable(1) & "_" & imTable(0) & "_ID = " &AbsRecord, RemoteSQLConn, RemoteSQLtx)
RemoteSQLcmd.Parameters.Add("@" & imTable(1) & "_GUID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = imGUID
Dim tokenObject As Object = RemoteSQLcmd.ExecuteScalar()
tokenReader = RemoteSQLcmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleRow)
filePathName = tokenReader.GetSqlString(1)
fileToken = DirectCast(tokenReader(3), Byte())
Dim sqlFile As SqlFileStream = New SqlFileStream(filePathName.Value, fileToken.Value, FileAccess.Write)

The tables have the fllowing stracture Thats the First Table:

myCommand = New SqlCommand("CREATE TABLE " & TablesStat(0, 0) & _
                    " (" & TablesStat(0, 0) & "_ID int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY(1,1), " & TablesStat(0, 0) & "_Code varchar(20) NULL, " & TablesStat(0, 0) & "_Price money NULL, " & TablesStat(0, 0) & "_Title varchar(50) NULL, " & TablesStat(0, 0) & "_Type sql_variant NULL, " & TablesStat(0, 0) & "_Height int NULL, " & TablesStat(0, 0) & "_Width int NULL, " & TablesStat(0, 0) & "_Comments nvarchar(MAX) NULL)", RemoteSQLConn)

End the second table is:

myCommand = New SqlCommand("CREATE TABLE " & TablesStat(1, 0) & _
   " (" & TablesStat(1, 0) & "_ID int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY(1,1), " & TablesStat(1, 0) & "_GUID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER ROWGUIDCOL NOT NULL UNIQUE , " & TablesStat(1, 0) & "_" & TablesStat(0, 0) & "_ID int FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES " & TablesStat(0, 0) & " (" & TablesStat(0, 0) & "_ID) NOT NULL, " & TablesStat(1, 0) & "_Image varbinary(MAX) FILESTREAM NULL ) ", RemoteSQLConn)


My problem comes when i'm trying to read the 'filePathName' and the 'fileToken' the privious SELECT GET_FILESTREAM.... return me only one colomn to read the colomn 0 which has the GUID in binary format I know i'm doing something wrong but i don't know what

My issue is that i'm not geting th 'filePathName' and the fileToken'

is there anybody to assist me?

+1  A: 

MSDN said you should

  • do this inside TRANSACTION

There is a sample in Working with FILESTREAM using VB .NET By Yan Pan:

' Obtain a transaction context. All FILESTREAM BLOB operations occur '
' within a transaction context to maintain data consistency. '
Dim transaction As SqlTransaction = 
sqlCommand.Transaction = transaction
Dim obj As Object = sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()
Dim txContext As Byte() = Nothing
If Not obj.Equals(DBNull.Value) Then
    txContext = DirectCast(obj, Byte())
    Throw New System.Exception("GET_FILESTREAM_TRANSACTION_CONTEXT() failed")
End If

' Obtain a handle that can be passed to the Win32 FILE APIs. '
Dim sqlFileStream As New SqlFileStream(filePath, txContext, FileAccess.Write)

' Converting the image to a byte array. '
' Please change C:\Spire.jpg to your image file path. '
Dim byteImg As Byte()
byteImg = File.ReadAllBytes("C:\Spire.jpg")
'Write the image file to the FILESTREAM BLOB. '
sqlFileStream.Write(byteImg, 0, byteImg.Length)

' Close the FILESTREAM handle. '

' Commit the write operation that was performed on the FILESTREAM BLOB. ' 

Try to change your code according to sample:

  • filePath variable is initiated before opening file transaction
  • there is a simple "SELECT GET_FILESTREAM_TRANSACTION_CONTEXT()" command for file context
  • there is a null check and DirectCast(obj, Byte()) to cast value into byte
  • not sure if it make difference, but SqlFileStream is opening with txContext, not txContext.Value

How I understand the problem:

filePathName - filename from where we will open filestream. this value should be selected from some field of some your table. If you don't know what [table].[field] it is, see inside db table values and find where file path are saved.

fileToken - filestream transaction context. should be selected in separate command execute, and casted to Byte.

SQL Injections means when you do things like

RemoteSQLcmd = New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM " & imTable(0) & " WHERE " 
    & imTable(0) & "_Code = " & "'" & imParam(1) 
    & "'", RemoteSQLConn, RemoteSQLtx)

in codebehind and imParam is an URL parameter value than someone may play a bad joke with you putting "'; DROP TABLE users;" in it which may resolve into

SELECT * FROM table WHERE table_Code = ''; DROP TABLE users;
Max Gontar
Look I did what you told to do but i receive the same problemPlease look at my next post it has more particular tips for it
Lefteris Gkinis
You should really accept the answer only of it's working...
Max Gontar
OK Max I did that
Lefteris Gkinis
You can select the transaction context in the same command. Doing it separately will degrade performance: additional round trip to the server.
Pawel Marciniak
Dim imGUID As Guid = Guid.NewGuid()
Dim imImage As Byte() = New Byte(imStream.Length) {}
Dim bytesRead As Integer = imStream.Read(imImage, 0, imStream.Length)
Dim SecondColumnNames As String = _
            imTable(1) & "_GUID, " & _
            imTable(1) & "_" & imTable(0) & "_ID"
Dim SecondFieldsValues As String = "'" & imGUID.ToString & "', '" & AbsRecord & "'"
RemoteSQLcmd = New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO " & imTable(1) & _
            " (" & SecondColumnNames & ")  VALUES (" & SecondFieldsValues & ")", RemoteSQLConn, RemoteSQLtx)
RemoteSQLcmd.Parameters.Add("@" & imTable(1) & "_GUID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = imGUID
  RemoteSQLcmd.Parameters.Add("@" & imTable(1) & "_Image", SqlDbType.Image).Value = imImage
  RemoteSQLcmd = New SqlCommand("SELECT GET_FILESTREAM_TRANSACTION_CONTEXT() FROM " & imTable(1), RemoteSQLConn, RemoteSQLtx)
Dim tokenObject As Object = RemoteSQLcmd.ExecuteScalar()
tokenReader = RemoteSQLcmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleRow)

As you can see i put again the FROM claus.

But please look what i'm receiving in the reader

tokenReader.Depth 0

tokenReader.FieldCount 1

tokenReader.HasRows True

tokenReader.IsClosed False

tokenReader.Item In order to evaluate an indexed property, the property must be qualified and the arguments must be explicitly supplied by the user.

tokenReader.RecordsAffected -1

As you can see here i have only one column to read and nothing else

I really don't know if that is helpful but anyway i put it there

tokenReader.VisibleFieldCount 1

Lefteris Gkinis

Look Max

I did what you told me but nothing

Dim tokenObject As Object = RemoteSQLcmd.ExecuteScalar() 
tokenReader = RemoteSQLcmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleRow) 
fileToken = DirectCast(tokenReader(1), Byte()) 
filePathName = tokenReader.GetSqlString(3)

And the Transaction starts far upper of this command

And never stops

Lefteris Gkinis
I really can't understand where do i have to expect to take the fileToken and the filePathNameI mean from what column 0,1,2,3,4,5 ...... where
Lefteris Gkinis
I see. Try to tokenReader.Read() fileToken = DirectCast(tokenObject, Byte())
Max Gontar
see one more update to my answer
Max Gontar
Yes and the filePathName?
Lefteris Gkinis
filePathName - filename from where we will open filestream. this value should be selected from some field of some your table. If you don't know what [table].[field] it is, see inside db table values and find where file path are saved. Can you look into database? do you have access with management studio or something like that, to write a direct sql query?
Max Gontar
wait, are you sure you have this filePathName stored somewhere in db? This image, that you want to pass, where is it placed (phisically)?
Max Gontar
look this pathname in my DB there no anywherei mean i can't find any pathname parameter in my table and especially in the specific file 'Image'the only path i found is in my DB in the Files TAB
Lefteris Gkinis
Phisically the files from my DB are in the Server in the place C:\sqlDATA\.......
Lefteris Gkinis
No, we have misunderstanding.. You say you want to store some image into db table. To do this you have to read it from file. And path to this file is filePathName. If it's in Files table, you should read it from there.
Max Gontar
Well Dear Max, finally i found the solutionThe solution is not only one tip from the tips that you have send meThe solution is all the tips together and some moreBut mst importand is the place where we put the instructionsThe order of the instruction makes the deferentAnd the filePathName comes from the SQL server it self, it is a part of the FILESTREAM table and especially from the column which holds the image
Lefteris Gkinis
Now i'm hold on the instruction Dim sqlFile As SqlFileStream = New SqlFileStream(filePathName, fileToken, FileAccess.Write)Which return me the 'Access Dinied' I suppose it is something with the SQL account that i'm using I will try to look at it
Lefteris Gkinis
Ok then, thumbs up :) !
Max Gontar