I have a Scala project that I'm using SBT and Specs on. When I run sbt test, it correctly runs my tests, but a failing test results in a huge stack trace.
== caravan.DependenciesSpec ==
[info] specifies
[info] x Status should mirror single job
org.specs.specification.FailureExceptionWithResult: 'caravan.Status(2)' is not equal to 'caravan.Status(3)'
at caravan.DependenciesSpec$$anonfun$1.apply(DependenciesSpec.scala:13)
...about 70 lines of stack trace though specs...
[error] org.specs.specification.FailureExceptionWithResult: 'caravan.Status(2)' is not equal to 'caravan.Status(3)'
What I would expect is that it just reports the test failed. I'm running specs 1.6.0 and SBT 0.5.5 with Scala 2.7.5. My specs are written as:
object DependenciesSpec extends Specification {
Is there any way to get usable output out of Specs/SBT?