Say there are 3 circles: red, blue, black.
I only want the black circle to remain. How can I remove the red and blue circles?
Say there are 3 circles: red, blue, black.
I only want the black circle to remain. How can I remove the red and blue circles?
If you know what image format that is being used, you could likely use that information to avoid accessing through pixel values (possibly destroying image quality), otherwise do something similar to this:
This relies on that there is a given background color at any time that the pixels can be set to and that you can identify the colors to remove.
Since you have asked for a PHP solution:
Now, what you can loop over all pixels via
for ($i = 0; $i < $imageWidth; $i++) {
for ($j = 0; $j < $imageHeight; $j++) {
// check color and replace
Finally, use imagecolorat to get the color (check if it is in a specific range, don't take only black as a good color, but also all colors that have >= 250 at each value of red, green and blue for example)
ImageMagick will do it. Just shell out to this command:
convert circles.png -channel black -white-threshold 10% circles2.png
You didn't say what to do with green. This script takes the easy way out and wipes out green as well. Actually, it wipes out anything not black.
The RMagick libary lets you drive imagemagick with Ruby. Sadly, it's not working in my distro, so I can't prepare an example for you. However, using system or backtick to shell out to the command works just fine.