If I read you right, you want to have no more than 4 threads processing at a time.
Sounds to me like you should launch only 4 threads, and have them all read from a shared Queue (part of the standard thread lib) to process the elements.
You can have the threads end when the queue is empty.
Slicing the array into 4 equal arrays, and having each thread process 1/4 of the elements assumes that each element processes in the same time. If some take longer than others, some of your threads will finish early.
Using a queue, no thread stops until the shared queue is empty, so it is I think a more efficient solution.
Here is a working program based on your code to demonstrate:
require 'thread'
elements = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
def process(element)
puts "working on #{element}"
sleep rand * 10
queue = Queue.new
elements.each{|e| queue << e }
threads = []
4.times do
threads << Thread.new do
while (e = queue.pop(true) rescue nil)
threads.each {|t| t.join }