I'm trying to load the parsed html data from an rss feed using a WebView, but the webview claims that the page:
"data:text/html;utf-8,[The html I'm trying to display]"
is not available.
I find it strange that it seems to be putting the html data into the url, when I just want it to display it.
Here's my code right now for the webview:
Bundle data = getIntent().getExtras();
WebView webview = new WebView(this);
webview.loadData(data.getString("DEFAULTTEXT"), "text/html", "utf-8");
Where the HTML has been passed in a string in the Bundle with the identifier: DEFAULTTEXT. I've tested the class and the HTML is passed fine, it just isn't displayed correctly.
It works fine on some of the webpages I've tried, but not others. I'll try to post the code of one that works and one that doesn't.