




I have a standard form on poll.php:

    <form method="POST" action="createpoll.php">

Is there anyway to process the form without leading the user to createpoll.php, something like calling createpoll.php on submit?


This is a great tutorial that should help you get started: http://onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2005/05/19/xmlhttprequest.html

You're going to need to capture form submission with JavaScript, submit the data with XMLHttpRequest (XHR), and parse the response.


Courtesy of http://js.isite.net.au/snippets/form2obj

You can also find the obj2query function on the same site.

<form action="submit.here" method="POST" onsubmit="submit_via_xhr( this.method,
this.action, obj2query( form2obj( this ) ), successFunction ); return false">

function form2obj(theForm) {
   var rv = {};

   if (typeof(theForm) == 'string')
      theForm = document.getElementById(theForm);

   if (theForm) {
      for (var i = 0; i < theForm.elements.length; i++) {
         var el = theForm.elements[i];
         if (el.name) {
            var pushValue = undefined;
            if (
               (el.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'INPUT'
                  && el.type.match(/^text|hidden|password$/i))
               || el.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'TEXTAREA'
               || (el.type.match(/^CHECKBOX|RADIO$/i) && el.checked)
               pushValue = el.value.length > 0 ? el.value : undefined;
            else if (el.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'SELECT') {
               if( el.multiple ) {
                  var pushValue = [];
                  for( var j = 0; j < el.options.length; j++ )
                     if( el.options[j].selected )
                        pushValue.push( el.options[j].value );
                  if( pushValue.length == 0 ) pushValue = undefined;
               } else {
                  pushValue = el.options[el.selectedIndex].value;
            if( pushValue != undefined ){
               if(rv.hasOwnProperty( el.name ))
                  if( rv[el.name] instanceof Array ) {
                     rv[el.name] = rv[el.name].concat( pushValue );
                  else {
                     rv[el.name] = [].concat( rv[el.name], pushValue );
               else {
                  rv[el.name] = el.value;
   return rv;
Luca Matteis

This technology is called AJAX. With help of JAvaScript libraries it's become really easy to use it. You can use JQuery or Prototype. Search for AJAX submission. There are a lot of answers on this topic - i.e., stackoverflow questions.

For exapmle, using JQuery method ajax() it looks like this(JavaScript):

        type: "GET",                        // method - Get or Post
    url: "cart.php",                    //  Url to send data
    data: { addproduct: productIDVal, isAjax: 'true'},  // Parameters
    success: function(theResponse) {           
        // code to operate with response, if the request was succesful. 
            // It can be string or array.
+1  A: 

A great, extremely easy way to use Ajax in your form can be found here: http://jquery.malsup.com/form/

I actually use this plugin on a few projects and it work quite well.
Wilhelm Murdoch