I'm working on a site that will have a bunch of pages with an indeterminate amount of "apps" on each page. Something like a calendar app, and a random picture app, or whatever, each in a neat little box. While it's possible to write a template with a bunch of if tags that include other templates, this is a bit of a hassle. I'd like to pass in some variables and have forms on some of these apps, so it would get out of hand quickly. Writing custom inclusion tags will be better than {% include x %}, but it would still be a lot of if statements and writing out every possible app for each page.
Is there any way to loop over something like inclusion tags and include only those that are relevant? Any other completely different solution that I'm missing?
What I'm trying to avoid, whether I use {% include %} or inclusion tags, is this:
{% if apps.calendar %}
{% include "calendar.html" %}
{% endif %}
{% if apps.pictures %}
{% include "pictures.html" %}
{% endif %}
This would mean we'd have to update templates any time a new app was added. What would be nice is something like:
{% for app in apps %}
{% call appropriate include or inclusion tag %}
{% endfor %}