I am building a website where I have a need that user should be able to evaluate some expression based from the value in DB tables, instead of using tools like pyparsing etc, I am thinking of using python itself, and have come up with a solution which is sufficient for my purpose. I am basically using eval to evaluate the expression and passing globals dict with empty __builtins__
so that nothing can be accessed and a locals dict for values from DB, if user will need some functions I can pass those too e.g.
import datetime
def today():
return datetime.datetime.now()
expression = """ first_name.lower() == "anurag" and today().year == 2010 """
print eval(expression, {'__builtins__':{}}, {'first_name':'Anurag', 'today':today})
So my question is how safe it would be , I have three criteria
- Can user access current state of my program or table etc someshow?
- Can user have access to os level calls?
- Can user halt my system by looping or using much memory e.g. by doing range(10*8), in some cases he can e.g 100**1000 etc so 3 is not so much of a problem. i may check such op with tokenize and anyway I will be using GAE so it is not not much of concern.
Edit: IMO this is not the duplicate of Q:661084 because where it ends this one starts, I want to know even with __builtins__
blocked, can user do bad things?