First thing you'll probably want to do is get the latitude and longitude of the contact's address. You can either access the geoCode api and do that real time or get it and save it in the database when you first create the new contact. I highly recommend the later and you'll save a bunch on headaches if you don't need to do a geoCode look up for every page request.
Then attach your latitude and longitude to the ViewModel so you can work with those values in your view. Set the latitude and longitude to a couple of javascript variables and you're good to go.
Take a look at the "hello world" for google maps api and you should have all the info you need there. Just set the options to what you want and use your latitude and longitude.
There's not much you can do with jQuery here since you'll mainly be using Google's api. The only real advantage would be to maybe put things in the $(funcion() {... so you don't have to do a function on the body onload=...