+4  A: 

... Options ExecCGI is off in this directory: /var/www/html/name.pl, ...

This error points to trying to run name.pl in /var/www/html/ instead of /var/www/cgi-bin/session/

Is the Session.html you posted correct because it doesn't seem to tally with this error?

... (13)Permission denied: exec of '/var/www/cgi-bin/session/name.pl' failed, ...

The name.pl cannot be run because it doesn't have execution rights set (on Linux/Unix you need to chmod a+x name.pl).

You may need to show what Session.pm does (it doesn't look like you using the CPAN module Session here).

On a general note I would consider simplifying what you doing down to a simple HTML & CGI script first and get that working. Then start looking into sessions etc.

Check out Ovid's CGI Tutorial for some sage advice on the Perl/CGI subject.

