




Does google provide a Java server side api *(NOT java script).*I dont want the ajax api which works at clint side. What i want is that the result returned for a keyword should return me search result in some specific data structure.Like List or set data structure.Then i want to manipulate the result according to my need in java code. I had used such a java server site api for youtube.

+2  A: 

They used to but is discontinued. Most likely because you can remove their ads ;-)

but i used such server side data api for youtube and it worked fine
from http://code.google.com/apis/soapsearch/api_faq.html#ini2 the SOAP API was meant for search only. YouTude, Docs, etc have different APIs not related to the Search API. Disclaimer: the part about the ads is a joke.

There is at least a SOAP API that I'm aware of: Google SOAP Search API

Frank Grimm

I don't think Google wants 3rd parties to use their search engine for their own services/applications. You would get "we think you are a robot" error page as a result if Google thinks you are not a real person.

You can however try Google Custom Search

+1  A: 

From Google's terms of service

You may not send automated queries of any sort to Google's system without express permission in advance from Google.

So, no - use their AJAX API. The SAOP API is discoutinued, but I think you should be able to use it, unless it requires a key, in which case you are tied to the AJAX API

Technically, the statement quoted above doesn't mean you can't use some sort of server-side API - there are examples of that if you google around. It means you shouldn't do it, because sooner or later you will be blacklisted (banned), as violating the terms.

but i used such server side data api for youtube and it worked fine
the terms may be different for youtube. Also, the text quoted above doesn't mean "you cannot". It means you should not, because you might get banned/blacklisted