We have a project coming up with significant data quality challenges and I was curious what the state of art in data quality related tools and methodoligies is today for small-to-medium size organizations. Any recommendations?
You have many choices, depending on your language and toolchain use. For Java, good choices are checkstyle, findbugs, JUnit, plus some code coverage tool, use of a continuous integration builder such as cruisecontrol.
This is just a start. There's a lot out there.
2009-01-23 19:38:25
Eddie - data quality, not code quality...
J Healy
2009-02-13 22:42:03
Ah, then you need to clarify about what kind of data. :)
2009-02-14 04:02:12
@Eddie The state of the art has now changed!
2010-06-24 19:43:11